Medicaid Planning for the Home: Irrevocable Medicaid Trust

When it comes to long term care for seniors, our office recommends long term care insurance as the first choice. If that is not an option, planning for Medicaid becomes an important component of many families’ plans. While Medicaid allows seniors to own a home and still qualify for benefits, it is important to understand […]

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Pooled Trusts: Medicaid Home Care While Preserving Income

Many New York City residents who are in need of community Medicaid services such as home care, adult day care, or prescription drugs find that they exceed New York Medicaid’s income allowance, of $800 a month (plus a $20 personal needs allowance) in 2013. Many seniors receive social security, pension, and investment income which easily […]

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Planning for Incapacity With a Living Trust

As we covered in the first part of this series, the likelihood of becoming incapable of taking care of one’s financial affairs at some point in life is fairly high. Having already discussed incapacity planning vis a vis a power of attorney, we now turn to a more sophisticated method of planning for incapacity, the […]

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The Difference Between a Will and a Living Will

In my estate planning practice, as well as during the seminars that I give, I regularly speak to clients who are unsure of the distinction between a Will, also known as a last will and testament, and a living will. I have even had one client who had told me that she had a Will, […]

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Protecting Your Home and Assets From Medicaid

I often see clients who are Medicaid recipients and are concerned that Medicaid may try to take their home or other property after their death. It is also a real concern to many elderly clients who are thinking about applying for Medicaid in New York. If you are one of the many people who are […]

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The NY Power of Attorney

Planning For Incapacity Part 1: The New York Power of Attorney  While no one wants to think about it, becoming incapacitated during your lifetime is not an unlikely event. According to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, one in four 25-year-olds will experience at least one period of disability before they are 65. Other Insurance […]

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Will Your Life Insurance Payout Be Taxed? Think ILIT

Many people automatically assume that the life insurance death benefit they leave over to their loved ones will not be taxed. This common misconception can result in the unnecessary payment of tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars of estate taxes. The Rule: The IRS (Section 2042) states that the death benefit of your life […]

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5 Reasons To Write A Will In New York

  People often ask estate planning attorneys why they need to make a will if they aren't "rich"? While each person's situation is unique, there are usually many reasons why everyone needs to have a will prepared. Here are a 5 things that a valid New York will allows you to do: 1. Appoint guardians […]

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Attorney Advertising Disclaimer: The estate planning, probate, elder law or other New York legal information presented on this site should NOT be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer or attorney client relationship. Using the advice provided on this site without consulting an attorney can have disastrous results. Prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes. Please contact a Queens estate planning attorney at one of our law firms located in New York City. This web site is not intended to solicit clients for matters outside of the State of NY, although we have relationships with attorneys and law firms in states throughout the United States. Free consultation applies to an initial phone consultation.
Law offices Of Roman Aminov